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New school in Avsallar

A new place of study for 750 students.

The mayor of Alanya Adem Murat Yucel announced the imminent opening of a new school in the Avsallar district for 24 classes, accommodating 750 students. He stated that on September 26, 2022, its grand opening will take place and the first bell will ring for first-graders.

Deputy Mayor of Alanya Fevzi Alaaddinoglu also added that revolutionary projects have been implemented in the field of education, which are aimed at stopping the education of students in two shifts.
In turn, the mayor said: “Our priority has always been education. This year we are opening new schools in the east and west of Alanya.”
The new school will be named after teacher Aibuke.

City Hall strives to ensure that education is available for everyone in every district.
Also in the course of these reformations, the school in the Payallar region was updated.

Avsallar is now one of the perspectiva areas.
And if you intend to buy property in Alanya, then our real estate agency IVM Turkey will help you with this. Contact us.

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Turkey will open schools on March

Participation in classes in schools is on a non-obligatory basis.