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News from Turkey

The coronavirus won't pass!

Republic of Turkey is taking effective measures against the spread of the new COVID-19 strain.


"Turkey is one of the countries that most successfully coped with the pandemic, which has become the greatest health crisis of the last century,"
- said Turkish head of state Recep Tayip Erdogan.

The head of state also addressed the country's economic success.

According to him, Turkey achieved the highest export figures in the country's history by month / quarter / year.


In addition to economic victories, one should continue to mention victories in vaccinating people.

More than 51.85 million doses of the COVID-19 vaccine have been injected since January 14.

(c) Turkish Ministry of Health.


To date, over 5.3 million patients have recovered from coronavirus infection in Turkey.

According to the ministry, more than 35.58 million people received their first doses and more than 15.45 million people were fully vaccinated.

More than 61.23 million COVID-19 tests have been performed since the outbreak began.


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