Amendments were made to Law "On Immigration" No. 6458, on the basis of which 1169 regions of Turkey were closed for obtaining a residence permit from 01.07.2022, since the number of foreign citizens in these regions is 20% in relation to Turkish ones exceeds citizens.
Amendments were made to Law "On Immigration" No. 6458, on the basis of which 1169 regions of Turkey were closed for obtaining a residence permit from 01.07.2022, since the number of foreign citizens in these regions is 20% in relation to Turkish ones exceeds citizens.
Ankara - 23 districts
Istanbul - 53 districts
Adana - 75 districts.
In Alanya, 4 districts are currently closed:
Kestel and
In other parts of the city you can apply for Ikamet/Residency Permit.
Now only residents of the EU, China and Russia can renew a residence permit on the basis of vacation (tourist residence permit) without changing the reasons for residence.
For nationals of other countries, however, the extension of a residence permit has been suspended for the same reasons.
The new rules will not apply to those who issued a primary residency permit in open areas prior to the introduction of restrictions and are renewing it by staying in a recently closed region without changing their residential address.
If a foreigner obtained a residence permit when buying real estate in an open area, and then moved to a closed area and provided a new address, he will be denied it.
In this case, other reasons for the extension must be given (e.g. medical tourism, change from renter status to owner status, etc.)
This resolution came into force on January 24, 2022.
The new properties in Alanya and in the regions are sold ready to move into.
Amendments were made to Law "On Immigration" No. 6458, on the basis of which 1169 regions of Turkey were closed for obtaining a residence permit from 01.07.2022, since the number of foreign citizens in these regions is 20% in relation to Turkish ones exceeds citizens.
Real estate insurance DASK.The difference between compulsory and optional insurance in Alanya.
Which area of Alanya is the most promising?
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What taxes do you pay in Turkey?
By buying property in Turkey, you can get a citizenship.
Visa-free with residence permit.
Uygulama Fark Bilişim 2018